Getting cosmetic treatment of any kind can be a big decision to make. Altering your appearance isn’t something to do lightly, but it could help improve your self-confidence and health. Cosmetic dentistry in Glyndon, MD, may be able to help with both your smile and your oral health. But it’s not always the right option for everyone. Before starting treatment, your dentist will examine your bite and discuss your cosmetic goals to see which procedures could be right for you.
Factors to Consider for Cosmetic Dentistry in Glyndon, MD
Not every patient will benefit from cosmetic treatment, even if they have similar dental concerns. Based on your oral health, budget, and cosmetic goals, you may need to consider alternate treatment options. Dentistry has several restorative and preventative treatment options that could help your smile as well. Choosing the right treatment is crucial to help ensure your smile and bite are as healthy as possible.
Although your overall dental health should come first, it’s important to consider your budget when seeking cosmetic treatment. Insurance companies tend to be more restrictive when it comes to coverage for cosmetic procedures. Unless your dentist can prove that the treatment was necessary for restoration, you’re not likely to get much, if any, coverage. This means you may be paying for treatment completely out of pocket. While your dentist can help find ways to save money, such as phasing treatment, it may be beneficial to consider other treatment options if you have a small budget.
Cosmetic Goals
When getting cosmetic treatment, you have the final say in how your smile should look. Your dentist can offer advice, but it’s still your decision. Therefore, it’s important to know what you want going into your consultation. It’s often best to have an idea of what you feel could be improved in your smile. For example, you may want to whiten your teeth or close the gaps between your teeth. If you’re not sure what you want to change, you should consult with your dentist first to get their suggestions.
Oral Health
For most dental procedures, having good oral health is often necessary. Many treatment options could be harmful or ineffective if you have certain dental conditions. One of the most common issues that could affect treatment is gum disease. Decay could also impact the success of treatment. Prior to starting your cosmetic procedures, your dentist may recommend certain pre-treatments to help ensure your smile is ready.
If you’re unhappy with your smile, cosmetic dentistry may be able to help. At Baltimore Dental Co., we offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures that could improve your smile and oral health. Call us today at 410.220.4680 to schedule a consultation and see if you’re ready for cosmetic dentistry.