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Halitosis Treatment Glyndon, MD

Do you suffer from frequent bad breath?

At Baltimore Dental Co., we understand how difficult it can be to deal with embarrassing dental problems like halitosis. Dr. Leah Romay is a Glyndon, Maryland, dentist with experience treating all types of dental concerns, from the most complex to easily solvable problems.

If you suffer from bad breath, you likely need to make some lifestyle changes. However, some conditions you may be unaware of can cause your halitosis. It is usually a clear sign that you are suffering from an underlying oral health issue. Dr. Romay can provide you with expert halitosis treatment in Glyndon, MD to help you get rid of bad breath.

Common Causes of Bad Breath

Patients may find that they suffer from halitosis for these reasons:

  • Tobacco: Smoking and tobacco products can easily stain and yellow teeth, cause bad breath and increase the chances of gum disease.
  • Food: As food particles break down, they can get stuck in between teeth. Even after foods are digested and broken down, they can affect the breath.
  • Dry mouth: Saliva cleans our mouths naturally. If your mouth is naturally dry, smells can build up over time.
  • Dental hygiene: Brushing and flossing remove small food particles from between teeth. If you do not brush and floss regularly, bacteria and plaque can build up and cause odor.
  • Drugs: Certain medications can cause dry mouth. Other drugs can produce odors as they breakdown and release chemicals in the breath.
  • Diseases: Some cancers, liver failure, and other metabolic diseases can cause bad breath.

How to Treat Bad Breath

One of the most important tips for combatting bad breath is brushing and flossing. Brush twice a day and even after meals to prevent plaque. Flossing dislodges food particles from between teeth. Remember to change your toothbrush every 2 to 3 months. Bacteria and food can also build upon the tongue, so you can brush your tongue or use a scraper for fresher breath.

If you have dentures, a dental bridge, or a mouthguard, they should be cleaned daily. Regular cleaning prevents bacteria build-up. In addition, drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, both of which cause dry mouth. Chewing sugar-free gum can also help stimulate the production of saliva to fight dry mouth.

Bad Breath FAQs

Dr. Romay has compiled the most common questions and answers she receives about bad breath. Understanding this condition is vital for your personal well-being and confidence while in a social setting. If you have questions or concerns about your bad breath, please reach out to us for additional help.

Is bad breath contagious?

Bad breath is not contagious. In almost all instances of bad breath, it is a symptom of an underlying dental problem or health issue. Bad oral hygiene habits, gum disease, mouth ulcers or sores, acid reflux, and IBS can all cause halitosis. However, bacteria in the mouth can be spread through close contact. The bacteria can lead to similar issues such as gum disease. Maintaining good oral hygiene and taking care of the bacteria in your mouth will eliminate this worry.

Can stress cause bad breath?

Yes, it is possible for stress to cause bad breath. When you’re nervous, your mouth tends to dry up by reducing the saliva production. Saliva neutralizes acids and washes away food particles and bacteria. This occurs as a result of the stress chemicals cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline. The combination of these hormones can alter the mouth, leading to bad breath. Stress can also make gum disease conditions worse and further contribute to bad breath.

What are 4 possible causes of bad breath?

The four most common causes of bad breath are food, tobacco products, dental hygiene, and medication. All of these may impact the quality of your breath. Certain medications along with regular tobacco users may have chronic bad breath.

How common is bad breath?

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a common issue that affects about a third of people. It can result from many things from medication to poor oral hygiene. Conditions such as gum disease and dry mouth can cause chronic bad breath. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are crucial for prevention and management. Limiting or elimination bad habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol can also help control bad breath.

Why can’t I get rid of bad breath?

If you are struggling to get rid of your bad breath, the first step it find the underlying issue that is causing it. You may have an underlying issue that cannot be addressed with routine oral hygiene. If you suffer from gum disease, you will need professional treatment. Patients with chronic halitosis may have periodontitis and be unaware of the underlying cause of their bad breath.

Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as sinus infections, acid reflux, diabetes, and liver or kidney diseases, can cause bad breath. Smoking and your diet also play significant roles. If you are struggling to figure out which is leading to halitosis, schedule an appointment you’re your dentist to help find and treat the root cause of your bad breath.

Does everyone have bad breath?

Everyone has bad breath from time to time. It is not uncommon for your breath to smell foul after eating certain foods such as garlic and onions. Chronic bad breath is called halitosis. This may be a sign of an underlying health condition. If you believe you are experiencing halitosis it is important to have it checked and evaluated by a professional.

Does lemon water help with halitosis?

Lemon juice has been shown to help reduce bad breath. This is because it has strong antibacterial properties. These help to reduce and neutralize foul smelling odors. The best way to use this technique is to cut a wedge of lemon and squeeze about a teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of water.

Is bad breath a sign of illness?

Bad breath can be a sign of certain illnesses. Conditions like sinus infections, acid reflux, diabetes, and diseases affecting the liver or kidneys can make your breath smell. If you have halitosis, especially if it is abnormal, you should explore all the possible causes. It could indicate an underlying health issues that requires medical attention.

Can tonsil stones cause bad breath?

Yes, tonsil stones can lead to bad breath. A tonsil stone can form when debris, bacteria, and dead cells build up in the small holes in your tonsils and harden into stones. These stones can cause your breath to smell due to the presence of sulfur compounds, contributing to halitosis in patients.

Bad breath does not have to ruin your life. Dr. Romay can locate the underlying cause and provide you with halitosis treatment in Glyndon, MD. Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Romay at 410.220.4680 or request a appointment online.