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Tooth Extraction Glyndon MD

Tooth extraction is often considered a worst-case-scenario when it comes to treating dental concerns; however, sometimes it is necessary. Patients may find themselves in need of a tooth extraction following severe tooth decay, overcrowding, or following the development of their wisdom teeth.

At Baltimore Dental Co., we are your one-stop-shop for dental care. Dr. Leah Romay provides many general dentistry services including tooth extractions. She is happy to provide you with a tooth extraction in Glyndon, MD when it is necessary to better your dental health. By safely removing a problematic tooth, Dr. Romay can help restore your dental health and get you back on track toward your dream smile.

dentist in Glydnon MD

Why Do I Need A Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is a vital dental service we provide to support our patient’s oral health. In some situations, Dr. Romay will remove a tooth instead of trying to save it. There are several scenarios when this could happen. Dr. Romay will carefully assess your situation and recommend an extraction, when it is the best course of action for your oral health.

  • Tooth has extensive decay and Dr. Romay cannot restore it with a dental crown or a tooth filling
  • When advanced gum disease causes severe damage to the supporting structure of the tooth
  • The presence of an abscess due to an untreated dental infection requires an extraction to prevent the spread of the infection
  • If your wisdom teeth are impacted or causing other problems
  • A tooth that is too damaged and Dr. Romay is unable to repair it
  • Sometimes, tooth extraction is part of orthodontic treatment to create space for proper alignment.
  • Insufficient space for all teeth, leading to crowding and misalignment

What is the Tooth Extraction Procedure Like

When it comes to tooth extraction, the procedure is relatively simple. Dr. Romay will examine the tooth and take X-rays to assess the tooth’s position, roots, and surrounding structures before beginning.

  1. Dr. Romay will use a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth for your comfort during the extraction process.
  2. Once you are numb, Dr. Romay will dislodge the tooth by rocking it back and forth with special dental tools. She will make a small incision in your soft tissues if the tooth has not fully erupted.
  3. Dr. Romay will grasp the tooth with forceps and carefully remove it from the socket.
  4. We will clean and remove any debris from the extraction site. If you require stitches, we will place them to close the wound.
  5. We will place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and ask that you bite down to help control the bleeding and facilitate blood clot formation.

Tooth Extraction: Aftercare Instructions

Taking good care of the empty socket is crucial for a smooth recovery. We will provide you with post-extraction care guidelines. Following these basic instructions will promote proper healing and lower your risk of complications. Here are some basic aftercare instructions:

  • We will instruct you to bite down on some gauze pads for 30–45 minutes to control bleeding.
  • Apply an ice pack to the outside of your cheek in 15-minute intervals to reduce swelling during the first 24 hours.
  • If you need it, take the prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication as directed to manage discomfort.
  • Please rest and avoid extensive activity or exercise for about 24 hours.
  • Avoid smoking and using straws because the suction can dislodge the blood clot and lead to a dry socket.
  • Stick to soft foods (yogurt, soup, and mashed potatoes) until you are comfortable eating solid foods or as advised.
  • Avoid brushing around the extraction site for the first day. After that, be gentle around the extraction site when brushing and flossing until fully healed.
  • Do not drink alcohol and or any kinds of hot food while recovering.
  • Attend your follow-up appointments with Dr. Romay to assure you are healing well.

About Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth can create a variety of dental concerns once they develop. They are the last set of molars to erupt and are in the back of the mouth. They typically grow during your late teens or early twenties. While they may have once been essential, they are unnecessary for modern humans.

Most people will develop issues from wisdom teeth if they remain intact. When they begin to erupt, your other teeth will struggle to make room for them. Insufficient space can cause impaction and extreme pain or discomfort as they attempt to erupt.

Additionally, you may notice that your teeth slowly shift to make space for wisdom teeth. Many issues can stem from this, including altering any orthodontic work you’ve done. Finally, it is vital to note that even if your wisdom teeth can erupt, they are usually hard to keep clean and often develop cavities due to them being in the far back corners of your mouth.

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Dr. Romay is happy to answer any questions you might have about tooth extraction. Here, she addresses common questions and concerns about the removal of teeth for patients who are getting a tooth extraction. We want our patients to feel confident about their treatment. Whether you have questions about how to prepare for tooth extraction, what the procedure is like, or what to expect afterward, we hope to provide you with valuable insight. Please read through our frequently asked questions section and contact us if you have further questions or concerns.

Are there alternatives to tooth extraction?

If your tooth is severely damaged by a chip or a crack, we will do everything we can to save the natural structure of your tooth. Using a dental crown, we can cap your tooth with a prosthetic to help preserve the foundational core of the tooth while also restoring the functionality of the tooth.

How many days do you need to rest after tooth extraction?

In order to allow the treatment area to form a clot, we typically advise that you rest for at least 48 to 72 hours following your procedure. After this, you should  be able to resume their regular physical exercise. Usually, it takes 3 to 4 weeks for the soft tissue to fully recover.

How long does the blood clot stay after tooth extraction?

The time it takes for a blood clot to dissolve varies from patient to patient. Normally, your tooth extraction site will be fully healed seven to 10 days after the extraction operation.

What are the signs of infection after tooth extraction?

A common sign of infection is that the site of the extraction discomfort worsens rather than progressively going away. If Bleeding continues more than 24 hours after the procedure, this may be a sign of infection as well. Lastly, if there is a bad odor coming or discharge from your mouth, this is a sign of infection. Call our office if you are concerned about any of these issues.

Is it normal for my face to be swollen after a tooth extraction?

Recovery from a tooth extraction can take up to two weeks. You may experience swollen lips and cheeks during this time, which will get better over the next few days. You can lessen the swelling by gently placing a cold cloth on your face.

What should I replace my teeth with after a tooth extraction?

After a tooth extraction, your option for tooth replacement include dental implants, a dental bridge, and dentures. Dental implants provide a permanent solution, while a dental bridge and dentures offer removable or fixed prosthetics to restore function and aesthetics. Talk to Dr. Romay about the pros and cons of each and to for personalized suggestions.

Schedule an Appointment for a Tooth Extraction in Glyndon, MD

If you suspect you are in need of a tooth extraction, please request an appointment with Dr. Romay. She will evaluate your current dental health and determine which treatment options are best for you. If tooth extraction is necessary, we are happy to provide this service to you in our Glyndon, MD dental office.