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Dental Anxiety Glyndon, MD

If you suffer from dental anxiety, contact our Glyndon dentist office.

At Baltimore Dental Co., we understand that visiting the dentist can be difficult for many patients. If you have dental fear due to a bad past experience or haven’t been to a dentist’s office in a long time, we understand. Our goal is to ensure that all of our patients feel safe and stress-free when they visit our office.

Dr. Leah Romay is a Glyndon, MD dentist who provides personalized and judgment-free care to her patients. She earned her Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry in Baltimore and received the “Best of the Best in Prosthodontics” award upon graduation.

Dr. Romay aims to help patients maintain their oral health and hygiene so that they can lead happy and healthy lives. Patients who are under her care are in good hands.

Our dental care team is highly skilled and personable. We work to build positive dentist-patient relationships built on mutual trust. Learn more about what Dr. Romay and our team can do for you to assuage your dental fear, anxiety, or other dental concerns.

Dental Fear Glyndon, MD

Friendly and Comfortable Dental Care

At Baltimore Dental Co., we aim to provide you the dental care you need in a stress-free and pain-free environment. Dr. Romay will be with you through every step of your treatment so you fully understand your procedure. She will explain each step and answer your questions for clarification.

If your specific concern is dental procedures or routine checkups, we may recommend dental sedation options. Sedation dentistry can help patients comfortably receive the care they need. This type of dentistry relaxes patients for comfortable and pain-free dental treatment. Many patients may not even remember treatment and do not feel anything during their procedures.

Using Sedation Dentistry to Help Patients with Dental Anxiety

Dr. Romay may suggest using nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, to help patients receive the dental care they need. Laughing gas will help them overcome their fear and anxiety during their dental appointments. This form of dental sedation has been around for many years and has proven to be very safe.

Nitrous oxide is a colorless, odorless gas delivered through a mask that you will wear during the entire appointment. It will induce an immediate calm and relaxed state. You will have complete control over your body and you will be able to speak to the dental team. However, you feel little pain, experience no anxiety, and are in a total state of relaxation.

When we remove the mask, the effects of the gas will wear off. Since the effects wear off fast, you can drive yourself home from your appointment. You will have little to no memory of what happened during your treatment.

Why Do I Suffer from Dental Anxiety?

There are many reasons people suffer from dental anxiety. Dental visits have developed a negative reputation over the years. Dr. Romay has worked hard to make dental visits comfortable, especially for people who suffer from anxiety and fear of the dentist.

  • The most common reason people have anxiety or fear surrounding the dentist is from a past negative experience. One bad visit in the past can trigger a feeling of worry, stress, anxiety, and fear each time they visit the dentist in the future.
  • Many patients fear feeling pain. This phobia can be severe and lead to dental anxiety. It stems from the misconception that all dental appointments cause pain and discomfort.
  • A lot of our patients do not like the feeling of not being in control. Any dental visit will require the patient to have their mouth open and the dentist to perform the work they deem necessary. However, the patient cannot see what is happening and may feel vulnerable and out of control. This can induce anxiety for many people.
  • If someone has not visited the dentist for a long time, they may be ashamed of their oral health. Avoiding the dentist is easier than dealing with it, and this worry and shame can quell anxiety.
  • Fear of needles or injections is common among many people. Needles are required to numb the mouth for many dental procedures. This can lead to fear and anxiety for patients who have a fear of shots or injections.

Dental Anxiety FAQS

Dental anxiety is a common dental concern that prevents many patients from receiving the dental care they need. If you suffer from anxiety surrounding visiting the dentist and do not know where to start, begin by reading through our frequently asked question section. Our goal is to provide you with all the knowledge you need to make the best decisions about your dental health.

What are some symptoms of dental anxiety?

Some of the main symptoms of dental anxiety include sweating, increased heartbeat, low or high blood pressure, an upset stomach, and crying. Dental anxiety is very common and something we deal with on a daily basis. If you are feeling anxious at all about your visit to our office, be sure to communicate with your dentist. We will do everything we can to make your visit as comfortable as possible for you.

What is the first thing I should do if I suffer from dental anxiety?

Contact our office and inform our dental staff that you are struggling. This first step will put in motion the help you need to get started. From there, we can work with you to get the dental care you need.

How common is fear of dentists?

Studies show that in the United States, 36% of the population is afraid of the dentist, with 12% experiencing an acute phobia of going to the dentist. Females, in general, are more likely to experience dental anxiety than males.

What is the difference between dental anxiety and dental phobia?

The fear of the dentist can prevent people from getting necessary dental care or cause them to put it off indefinitely. Many people have anxiety when visiting the dentist because of the prospect of being exposed to needles, drills, or the dentist’s office itself. A dental phobia is diagnosed when dental anxiety is so severe that it prevents sufferers from seeking necessary dental care.

What is a fear of the dentist called?

Fear of dentists, is a condition that may also be known as dentophobia. A person with dentophobia may experience severe anxiety at the idea of visiting the dentist or once physically present at an appointment.

What can I take for anxiety before a dental procedure?

Anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed by your dentist to take up to one hour prior to your appointment. Also, nitrous oxide (also known as “laughing gas”), a conscious anesthetic that can ease anxiety, may be suggested for your procedure.

Can I be put to sleep for dental work?

The only true sleep dentistry option is general anesthesia. Patients who receive general anesthesia are fully asleep throughout the course of their procedure. This ensures complete relaxation and comfort throughout any type of oral surgery.

Is it common to be nervous before a root canal?

As long as your anxiety doesn’t prevent you from getting regular dental treatment, it’s acceptable to be anxious about dental procedures like root canals and other dental work. Avoiding the dentist because of fear or anxiety is much worse and may result in further damage.

How long does a root canal take?

The treatment time needed for root canal therapy will depend on the severity of the infection in your tooth. A regular root canal typically takes 30 to 60 minutes to perform while a bigger tooth with many roots may require up to an hour and a half of treatment time.

Learn More About Dental Anxiety in Glyndon, MD

Call Baltimore Dental Co. for relaxing and compassionate care today at 410.220.4680. You may also request a consultation with Dr. Romay on our website. If you have any questions about our dental services or any of your specific concerns, let us know. We will be happy to clarify any information for you.